Residence Life

  • AOD policies and enforcement information are included in:1) “Community Standards Agreement” which all students must read and accept as part of their on-line housing application, 2) Community Living Guide distributed to all student residents, 3) “Ways to Get Evicted” form that all students must read and sign upon initial check-in at the residence hall, and 4) signage posted throughout each building, and on the Residence Life website
  • AOD policy, enforcement and safety awareness education are provided to students in mandatory Wing/Community meetings. These educational meetings are designed to enhance good decision making and solid citizenship among student residents
  • Annual review of AOD-related “Community Standards” to ensure they are appropriate and effective
  • AOD-related violations in student notification of charges, a due process hearing and likely eviction from the residence halls if the offense is a third violation for AOD (marijuana specifically); enforcement is designed to be preventive and educational to students
  • UAPD/Residence Life Liaison Program providing annual Community Director and RA training